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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hindu sacred tree of several commodities

5:04 AM

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Hindu sacred tree of several commodities, is regarded as the most sacred basil. And basil trimurtideva Lord Vishnu's incarnation of the Vishnu Purana and srisvasthanima mentioned chajuna home Richa moth is, the house is very holy, there is no rogavyadhale wrongdoing and Death, Yama, one can come to the Hindu faiths believe in the chanepala and India existing Hindu temple Richa Moth can be seen. For its leaf Hindu gods and sacred, nor is considered holy-especially Vishnu bhagavanako lagiayurvedama also tulsi leaves is of great significance. According to Ayurveda and natural doctorate it colds, headaches, problems such as the tonsils will give relief. Even when science tulsi plants other than trees take carbon dioxide and oxygen does cast. Therefore, the court of the house Basil plant on behalf of religious and health maninchatara good, be careful! Many are using the wrong tulsi leaf. Learn, tulsi leaf of garnuhumdaina religious and scientific Reason 1. Never nacapaunuhossunnubhaekai hola 'tulsi leaves never capaunuhumdaina, lagchaaba religious aspect of sin, the nature of Lord Vishnu is considered basil and chew the leaf boxwood, Lord Vishnu is said to have been insulted hunchavaijnanika aspect, basil leaves, a kind of chemical that works to absorb calcium in our teeth. Therefore, it is very harmful maninchatyasaile chew tulsi leaves eaten nacapai possibly the most beneficial is considered to swallow and do not even think sin 2. Never Shivalinga nacadhaunuhoshindu granthaanusara religion, a powerful demon jalandharaki wife 'vrndako real basil. And as long as Wanda fidelity to religion remains clean and pure, can not be defeated as long as no one in Jalandhar and Amar rahirahanchaekacoti sivalai lost all that he went to war jalandharale sivasamga Jalandhar immortal gods are shocked power. Vishnu came to Wanda lovely conscientious fidelity to religion and lutidinchan
Jalandhar sivajile hunchanvisnuko able to defeat such intrigues as angry vrndale Bishnu basil trees linuparos curse that keeps the slaughter because she and her husband Shiva never Jalandhar holy tulsi leaves of tulsi leaves nacadhos offering that curse dinchintyasakarana the Shivalinga is considered sinful. (Shiva these 5 cadhaunuhumdaina holy items) 3. These days, the leaves of tulsi never natipnuhosaitabarako day, Ekadashi day and the day of the eclipse of the sun that never tulsi leaves tipnuhumdaina garinchakinabhane Hindu faith, sivajile Jalandhar, lost day was a Sunday, the day had Ekadashi and was also a solar eclipse. So these days, tulsi leaves and leaf picker pick is unlikely that Wanda satiharana person's life is never good-faith peace Shen .4. Ganesh God never nacadhaunuhosjaba cahardai girl Wanda, a forest was, and he saw Ganesh Dev doing meditation. Ganesh became fascinated by the beauty and attention to the influence of Wanda and immediately ganesasamga of marriage, and therefore marriage prasthava rakhinaphu brahmakumara would not be to reject the proposal after the wedding Dhangade Wanda Wanda, she became angry. He became krodhamai andhi Ganesh promised his brahmakumarako breaking the curse that marriage is giving garnuparos nunako such irrational anger of the curse Ganesha Wanda 'garnuparos married soon, he also daityasamga. Due to the mortal world and the curse of being born in a tree linuparos' wrath and the curse of that curse dieganesako vrndale feel his mistake and apologized ganesasamga. Wanda turned her apologies to exultant Ganesh endowed with at least garidie 'mortal world through the tree births, the tree may be very holy. But when my service to offer your leaves of tulsi leaves nahostyasakarana the Ganesh Puja is considered inauspicious to offer, and is believed to worship Hindu forbidden fruit.
5. According to Basil house never naropnuhosvi different theology, Jalandhar, Bishnu's death, Wanda, as the focal point of his sakhiko. And vrndale himself with his own visnusamga also urged her to take. But Bishnu refused and said, "My wife, Lakshmi, but you are my forever be in my heart" and asked her to sit in the courtyard outside vrndale Vishnu, Bishnu Something accepted. Therefore, the Vishnu and keep vrndarupi Richa mothalai outside, the house would be bad faith when garinchatara some places of the house kept their smooth mothalai found Basil. Since the roof of the house can not be considered gharabhitrakai complex. Outside of tulsi always keep mothalai


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