Media NP, Kathmandu. Tite gourd statue it may not appeal to all tastes. How would not want to take tite Bridle by name. However, this tite gourd vitamin A, vitamin B 1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, fiber, calcium, potassium, jinaka, iron, copper and phosphorus found in other healthy vitamins. Useful for a variety of diseases is to eat bitter gourd. Today we cook in our kitchen, we are talking about maybe 12 tite gourd.
1) respiratory problems:
Fresh bitter gourd asthma, breathing problems rughakhokijasta for those who took the gourd is healthy. Some of these forms of relief rogahiralai its use may arise.
2) Liver Tonic:
A daily glass of Bridle weeks, the liver problem is resolved. At least a week to see changes in health Bridle juice, salty things.
3) Disease resistance:
Bridle boiled water leaves the body's disease-resistant ability to increase daily diet.
4) acne:
Ringworm causes acne, skin infections dagalagayataka Supersedes removing of the irregularities in the blood. Bridle mixed with lemon juice on an empty stomach diet for 6 months, bringing a fantastic facial beauty.
5) Diabetes:
Bridle to diabetes type two weeks, most of the benefits does. Chinese and Indian ancient therapy using passive lamosamayadekhi gourd is believed to have come Andrada. It is also confirmed by recent research. The development of insulin resistance due to the absence or fails to take the cells of the blood volume type Sugar seems to diabetes. In both cases, cells remain unable to take sugar. When activated protein kinase named Sugar Fund, would not take as active stuff karelale kinaseharulai. Gourd of some chemicals that work like insulin, which help to reduce the amount of blood Sugar.
6) constipation:
It helps to digest the food they phaibaraharule. It also tends Constipation problem.
7) the kidneys and bladara:
It helps to make a healthy liver and bladaralai. In addition, the kidneys also help to remove the rock.
8) Heart disease:
It is considered to be beneficial for heart problems. This body has to be less likely to attack the bad kolesterola deleted. It helps maintain a healthy blood cinikomatra decreased favorably.
9) cancers:
Ringworm causes cancer cell growth jogaucha being.
10) weight:
Its entiaksidentale keeps the body healthy. This metabolijama and improve the digestive system as it helps to lose weight quickly caamdo.
11) Skin problems:
Bridle regular causes the skin to help keep bright as well as help to make a spotless. Supersedes skin disease and infection. Its vitamin stitched Supersedes cauripana.
12) Hair shine:
Bridle juice mixed with a cup of yogurt and some time out with dhunusa, it comes to hair a natural shine. Bridle also expunges weeks, hair loss problem. Bridle jusama sugar is mixed with a solution for making the hair fall problem.
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