
KATHMANDU, April 6. Abortion pills after seeing a female charity maternity hospital treatment for her uterine burst. He is not a doctor's advice, the shopkeeper had given an undertaking by the drug miphepristona ',' mijoprostola 'lives at risk, including drug buy gone out into the trench he was not single. Maternity home with such problems have to reach every one-two yi-retroviral therapeutic abortion does support 63 days. However, using independence or more time eating the womb uterus phutaekaharusameta come to us, "director Dr. maternity as getting. Jageshwar Gautam said, "in order to consider an abortion mill has increased parasitamolajattikai general counsel to refrain from gautama as abortion. "Drug or tool to be used by some problem or danger, it is possible to abortions," he said. The last demographic survey, 25 percent of pregnancies in Nepal Family Health Division Dr binayojana has to stay. About 6 million annually, according to Gautam Sharma glimpse of the country to be pregnant is to allot 10 per cent of abortions. As a result of age suffer from unsafe abortions pluck case, the woman said, 'mitinile eat abortion pill said, that drug dealers brother asked him the same, we ate it was visesajnaharuka recently, according to the policy, the rules, lack of monitoring, among others across the country this supplementation is being misused. It is a component of the sale and distribution of the drug did not have the binacikitsakiya dagautamale said. Government provision of such drug sales, distribution and supply system to the Department of Pharmaceutical Wholesaler ijajataprapta listing service should be permitted to abortion sucikrta seller licensed health institution health recommendation to distribute only drug sales department rules .Priority two Nepalese and two foreign companies chromatography has been registered. This includes midavona, ematipi kits, kits are mariprista and Pregny. According to government health agencies for safe abortion services dajhalakaka these medicines are sent. Other medicines are not registered to be illegal .programme General Krishna is hopeful such drugs showed that sales chaos. "This drug is not given indiscriminately sold off," he said durupayoga stop shop for hard drug should be monitored by an interaction obstetrics and gynecology specialist Dr. Aruna Karki noted. Such capsules may be seeing the more bleeding if the headaches and nausea
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