New Nepali

World Cricket League Championship, Captain Paras unbeaten 103 runs and 74 runs saradale Nepal has vanquished Namibia by 3 wickets. TU Ground, Kirtipur, Nepal had chosen to hurl the primary phildana. Namibia was the main bat 23 9 runs. 240 keeps running from the fields of Nepal to take after an awesome objective for 24 and 37 runs King Gyanendra was lost. Be that as it may, then came the most despicable aspect of Captain Paras Khadka harvest time bhesavakara and in the wake of fixing the association had prompted triumph in Nepal. Paras 9 4 balls 103 keeps running in 107 balls with 74 runs were made saradale. Nepal, Gyanendra Malla made 22 runs were additionally imperative. For Namibia barjarale 3, gorenavaldale 2 wickets and Smith and sanimanale 1-1. Namibia's opener bardale batting side had scored 51 runs while another 47 were .Their opener. Center request batsman comparable barjarale 43, kotjele 32 and skoljale vital 22 runs were made. Nepal bowler Basant Regmi, Shakti Gauchan, Sandeep Lamichane 2-2 wickets.
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